Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 9 Third City-Guangzhou

Kai has been counting the days until this day when we would get on the airplane. He was so excited. He kept making the sign for airplane. Even though the flight from Guiyang to Guangzhou was only 1 1/2 hours, traveling basically took the entire day.  Kai did fabulous on the flight.  When we landed in Guangzhou we met our 3rd guide, "Helen." She was a small but spunky middle-aged woman.  Right away she joked with Russ and gave him a hard time. We had to travel to Guangzhou to finish the adoption process with the American side-Kai had to have a medical exam and receive a visa to travel to the U.S. We stayed at the China Hotel Marriott. This was the nicest hotel I have ever stayed at. It was decorated with marble walls and floors, and some walls were covered with wood carvings.  One of the first things I noticed when we walked into the hotel was the strong floral smell. I have a really sensitive sense of smell, but I didn't mind because this was so much nicer than many of the smells we had experienced so far on our trip.  A huge floral arrangement was in the center of the lobby.  We went to our room to settle-in. Russ and Kaden went next door to buy us supper at McDonald's. By the time they returned, the girls had fallen asleep. We ate cheeseburgers at 10 pm and crashed into bed.  Eating on this trip was more about survival than selecting the most nutritious foods. The next day we had an 8 am departure for Kai's medical exam.

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